Random files - Otostigmus/Parotostigmus |
Otostigmus astenus (ID doubtful)694 views(identified by Turgut Kocer, specimen out of the collection of Turgut Kocer)
complete view of Parotostigmus rex983 views
Otostigmus cf. punctiventer (ID doubtful)708 views(identified by Turgut Kocer, specimen out of the collection of Turgut Kocer)
Otostigmus cf. punctiventer (ID doubtful)694 views(identified by Turgut Kocer, specimen out of the collection of Turgut Kocer)
complete view of Otostigmus politus politus639 views
Difference - between the final legs there is a kind of process just the male Parotostimus rex has...723 views
Otostigmus aculeatus716 views
Parotostigmus scabricauda (Peru)1425 views
Last additions - Otostigmus/Parotostigmus |
complete view1609 viewsNov 10, 2010
Parotostigmus scabricauda (Peru)1425 viewsOct 26, 2008
Parotostigmus scabricauda (Peru)949 viewsOct 26, 2008
Parotostigmus scabricauda (Peru)967 viewsOct 26, 2008
Parotostigmus scabricauda (Peru)1023 viewsOct 26, 2008
Otostigmus astenus (ID doubtful)859 views(identified by Turgut Kocer, specimen out of the collection of Turgut Kocer)Oct 14, 2008
Otostigmus astenus (ID doubtful)787 views(identified by Turgut Kocer, specimen out of the collection of Turgut Kocer)Oct 14, 2008
Otostigmus astenus (ID doubtful)788 views(identified by Turgut Kocer, specimen out of the collection of Turgut Kocer)Oct 14, 2008