Most viewed - Rhysida |
detailed picture of the first spiracles of Rhysida longipes longipes1754 views
Rhysida afra1217 views(identified by Turgut Kocer, specimen out of the collection of Turgut Kocer)
Rhysida celeris andina1172 views
Rhysida celeris andina941 views
Rhysida afra925 views(identified by Turgut Kocer, specimen out of the collection of Turgut Kocer)
Rhysida afra909 views(identified by Turgut Kocer, specimen out of the collection of Turgut Kocer)
Rhysida celeris andina890 views
complete view of Rhysida longipes longipes882 views
complete view of a beautiful species (Rhysida stuhlmanni stuhlmanni)851 views
Rhysida celeris andina851 views
margination of tergit 21 (Rhysida stuhlmanni stuhlmanni)847 views
final legs of Rhysida longipes longipes798 views
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